Later in the conversation when we were discussing holidays, Nathan astonished me by saying, 'Rose has this secret lust for adventure, although she hides it because I prefer to keep going back to the same place.
As I stated, it was Sappho's secret lust for the coming Apocalypse that initially aroused the suspicions of Aristode.
Doesn't that priest have some secret lust, concealed under that holy cassock?
In this century, dictators from Hitler to Saddam have fulfilled threats of war - led on by their power, their secret lusts and their vision of humanity as existing to be conquered.
And his deepest desires--his most secret lusts--were thus brought to the fore, magnified, perverted, and allowed to govern his actions.
Divorcee Em is having an affair with married man Vince and doctor Gabriel (Matt Day) has a secret lust for married Ally.
CP: I will cross that bridge when I come to it, but my secret lust is to write a stage play.
What role did his secret lust for Norah play in the tragic events that transpired so many years ago?
Synopsis 24/7 The Passion of Life is a provocative and poetic film about obsession and loneliness, about secret lust and public double-moral: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.