In this cave, accompanied by dancing flames, the One studied secret lores which might have amazed even the Lords.
But more wonderful than the lore of old men and the lore of books is the secret lore of ocean.
Much of their secret lore has been lost to us, but there is no doubt at all that they had real and extraordinary powers.
Etymologically, it derives from an Old Norse word meaning mystery or secret lore, and, in a general sense, it can also mean a magic charm.
Their association could only be entered by initiation, and learning and practising their secret lore.
It's part of the secret lore of the bards.
The scarecrow is a magically animated construct created by wizards and other masters of secret lore to guard important places or treasure.
But I supposed that this was but part of their secret lore, and a device to aid the weaving of their thoughts.
Their friendship began that way, a bit edgy and cautious at the margins, but dominated by the skill and secret lore they shared.
All who know the secret lore of China will rally to my cause.