In preparation to his unstoppable scheme, he transformed a certain part under his house into a secret dungeon with a repository of shackles.
This week began with a story of British and Iraqi soldiers storming a police station that hid a secret dungeon in Basra.
Jean is quickly spirited to a secret dungeon where she is tied up but manages to escape.
If the player has completed Four Swords, they may find an alternate ending by beating a secret dungeon.
Once there Aleth and Lagnus run off into the secret dungeon of the temple.
Barbatos is also an end boss in the game's secret dungeon.
Josef Fritzl has been writing begging letters to the daughter he locked up and raped in a secret dungeon for 24 years.
Parties of up to eight people may be formed, and these groups are often required to complete secret dungeons (SDs).
He wants to believe there are secret dungeons in Baghdad, and if the Americans look hard enough, his son will turn up.
The entrance to the secret dungeon is also located within this plain.