Kishkumen founds a secret combination and murders Pahoran on the judgement-seat.
The Nephites build up and support the robbers and their secret combinations.
The secret combinations gather to a tribe led by a man named Jacob, and flee into the land northward.
Already, Isobel could see that the girl was breathing raggedly with the secret combination of shame and promised pleasure.
This secret combination among the Jaredites nearly led to their entire destruction.
This arrangement was referred to as a secret combination.
I hit some secret combination of buttons and unlocked Witch Mode.
But the fact of their arrival at a particular port in a particular sequence is like the secret combination.
Coins drop through a slot in the top, and the bank opens with a secret three-digit combination.
Before she opened it, she set its digital lock to a secret combination- one different from the sequence normally used to open it.