Ah, master, never has my nose lied to me, and I have followed it to secret caches and among the fur-bales of the igloos.
It was surprising, though, how common secret caches still seem to be.
Roddy has worked quietly from secret caches, perhaps before their first open contact.
They searched every- where, sought out secret caches, pried up floorboards, but their efforts proved futile.
There were cries of anger from all sides as the pirates discovered that their secret caches of arms had been discovered.
The members of one group passed themselves off as civilians, made their way past Russian checkpoints and armed themselves from secret caches in Shali.
She pointed to the secret caches she'd put on the schematic.
Wide awake, he kept having visions of discovering secret caches of money around the house and using them to solve all his financial problems.
Squirrels stored nuts in secret caches to see them through the harsh weather.
Units of the Kampfbund were scurrying around to arm themselves from secret caches, and seizing buildings.