These levels consist of both ground and space-based levels, with only secondary controls changing between the two environments.
However, Mrs Gillyflower holds a gun to Ada's head and heads into the rocket silo, which has been disguised as a chimney, to reach the secondary control.
It avoided his fire by diving for cover behind the secondary controls.
Time after time, as rapidly as he could sight his beam and operate his switches, Brandon drove his needle of annihilation through the fortress, destroying the secondary controls.
It had a rosy hue and a smooth, oily texture unmarred by gunsights or secondary controls.
Air temperature is typically the dominant control of ablation with precipitation exercising secondary control.
The secondary controls are German and Russian.
They are most useful to analysts as a secondary control variable (e.g., for assessing whether a statistical relationship exists between two variables when hospital market structure is controlled).
These treatments focus on immediate symptom reduction by concentrating on teaching children skills pertaining to primary and secondary control.
FOR the space of some eight or ten minutes, this strange substitute for the regular man at the secondary controls seemed very much at home.