A second-term president, whose party controls Congress, they contend, will be in a better position to push through changes than John Kerry would have been.
Republicans face the rare combination of a second-term president and a vice president who has no interest in running for office again.
Is there some human failing that affects second-term presidents, like arrogance or sheer fatigue?
A second-term president will, in effect, automatically be fired within four years.
Consider the last two second-term presidents.
Professor Kumar said that scandals had made a number of second-term presidents more reluctant to face the press.
By contrast, a re-elected Obama would, as a second-term president, have room to mark his displeasure if Israel was to go it alone.
At the same time, Mr. Bush and his advisers know that history holds sober lessons for second-term presidents.
The voters chose Clinton as a second-term president.
Such a bill would also make a good capstone for a second-term president who is trying to secure his legacy.