"Congress had a very productive week," Mr. Torkildsen, a second-term Republican, told an audience of 68 civic leaders at a luncheon in a local restaurant on Saturday.
In Kansas, Gov. Bill Graves, a second-term Republican, vetoed a bill in 1997 that would have allowed state residents to carry concealed weapons.
It was sponsored by Representative Bob Inglis, a second-term Republican from South Carolina, and had the support of the most militant proponents of term limits.
They have also prompted Gov. Jim Geringer, a second-term Republican, to lead efforts to wean the state off the uncertainties of volatile markets.
But Mr. Johnson, 46, a second-term Republican, is also unusual in another respect.
Mr. Huckabee, a second-term Republican, said the new program would help small businesses that currently offer no health insurance.
The senator is Bruce Rampelberg, a second-term Republican from Rapid City.
Mr. Roark, a second-term Republican, resigned two minutes after calling to order a special meeting of the City Council Tuesday night.
"We hear them every year," Mr. Bunning, a second-term Republican from Kentucky, said before storming off, uncivilly.
Governor Kempthorne, a second-term Republican, declined to be interviewed.