In a second-story office, visible to the chanting crowd below, men beat and stabbed one of the soldiers.
"The capital-gains plan makes it more attractive for our angels," she said, from a second-story office above her sprawling factory floor.
The revolution is being streamed from a dilapidated second-story office in NoHo.
We even have men stationed on roofs and in the dummy second-story offices with telescopes and binoculars.
Above, groups of people jammed fire escapes or poked their heads out of second-story offices and factories.
I was sitting in my second-story office looking down at the street.
"I can't give you a good answer," she says, up in the second-story office at the bus station.
An electronic de-bugging team will sweep the inspectors' second-story offices at the United Nations headquarters.
Minutes later, he'd mounted the steps to her second-story office.
Eventually, she had a second-story office above a print shop near her family's simple frame house.