There were no fire escapes to creep up and no alleys to slip within and no second-story landings to leap to in a single bound.
When he rounded the final turning on the second-story landing, he saw a chair fly past the base of the stairwell, followed by a Pili-sans head.
The police said that Oneck was found on the second-story landing, dead of a single gunshot wound to the head.
The interior has a central corridor with stairs leading to a second-story landing.
When they reached the second-story landing, they looked down a long hallway with doors on either side and a big-paned window with velvet draperies at the end.
David used the opportunity to exit, then paused on the second-story landing to eavesdrop.
They encountered Mr. Trim on a second-story landing about 8:30 a.m.
A dim fan of light from a window on the second-story landing partially lit the stairs at the back of the entrance hall.
And the shotgun blast sent Beckett halfway across the second-story landing.
She hauled him out of the room by his ear onto the second-story landing.