After playing on the field, individuals are encouraged to perform aggressive hand and body washing for at least 20 seconds using soap and warm water.
The Klingon vessel is capable of destroying us in eight-point-four seconds using secondary weapons only.
When players consume the fish, they also have to chew it for several seconds using the same button it took for consuming in the first place.
Scrub the front of the tooth and gum for a few seconds using a small circular motion.
Once turned on, the meter rate is automatically determined and updated every 20 seconds using a local traffic-responsive algorithm based on fuzzy logic.
Each tube could be reloaded in twenty-three seconds using the endless wire and winch provided.
But the company said it could relay about 500 words of text every two seconds, using transmitters and receivers, each of which costs less than $1,500.
A delayed action timer gives 8 - 10 seconds delay, using the same front of body lever that actuates the stop-down metering.
We discovered that 2 people working in tandem can ship an order every 12 seconds using the new system.
The exposure time was 85 seconds using 1/4 plate double lens cameras.