Dresden tracks her down to a secluded cottage and proposes marriage, but Susan refuses, leaving him a love note as she flees the country.
Concerned, the three good fairies take Aurora to a secluded cottage in the forest and change her name to Briar Rose.
The 171 rooms are in secluded cottages - no phones, no TV, no air-conditioning, only ceiling fans.
Now, Jennifer is in law school and decides to skip her final exam with her friend Sam (Lyer) to a secluded cottage.
Spread over 550 acres with splendid flower gardens, riding trails and tennis courts, accommodations are in secluded cottages.
In 1939, found unfit for military service and disturbed by the war, he isolated himself in his secluded cottage at Thaxted, Essex.
It's easy to see why: secluded two-bed cottage, awesome location, the Sunset Inn in nearby St Mawes.
You see, Pampered in Paradise owns secluded cottages located on various Caribbean islands.
"He may know of the secluded cottage and figured it's a good hiding place just as Ames did."
Ten secluded cottages on 80 acres.