The solution can stimulate sebum production.
However, some soaps can be overly drying - causing the skin to increase sebum production [WebMD].
'Isolutrol has a direct effect on the sebaceous glands, reducing sebum production in greasy skins,' explains Dr Fenton.
The new consensus is that it is the 'Western diet' in general, rather than just dairy, that most affects sebum production in the skin.
The effect on sebum production can be temporary and remission of the disease can be "complete and prolonged."
The best treatments inhibit sebum production, limit bacterial growth, or encourage shedding of skin cells to unclog pores.
This is because it does not affect sebum production or the way the skin follicle cells are shed, and when you stop using it, the acne comes back.
It does not have any effect on sebum production and does not kill bacteria.
At the same time, their sebum production did not vary much whether they were experiencing high or low stress, indicating that levels of the substance had little or no role.
Women have far less sebum production than men do as they age.