"Most of the movement last month was as expected and due to seasonal increases."
While the hog slaughter has been rather light in recent days, Mr. Stanley said, the market seems to be expecting a seasonal increase.
As a seasonal increase in inmates built up at summer's end, dozens were forced to sleep on floors of gymnasiums and waiting rooms.
There is a seasonal increase of Venezuelans living in second homes.
In addition, there's a seasonal increase in hogs being brought to market that's causing some supply problems, he said.
Hog futures were not as strong, he said, partly because of technical market factors and because of seasonal increases in the kill.
The normal seasonal increase in loans between early September and mid-November has been much lower than normal.
In the mid-1990s, retailers began seeking large storage spaces for seasonal increases in inventories.
But, the report said that after accounting for normal seasonal increases in April, the results should be viewed as a decline.
It is omnivorous and appears to be an opportunistic feeder, taking advantage of seasonal increases in prey (Jones et al. 1995).