Here imperial symbols are used to mark the New Year; seasonal gifts appear in the background.
A Christmas boutique will offer ornaments and seasonal gifts for sale.
This was introduced on a trial basis in the run-up to Christmas 2005 and offered 150 seasonal gifts and homewares lines.
Members of the Didius family are about to receive some extremely unusual seasonal gifts.
And the market is filled with locals, actually buying their seasonal gifts, not just visitors.
Not only were the children educated at her expense by trained teachers, each was also provided with seasonal gifts of new clothes.
A potted holly or evergreen is a lovely seasonal gift, if you know the gardener has a place to plant it after the holidays.
Psychologists see seasonal gifts as a currency to initiate, bind and maintain relationships.
It's a place of pilgrimage, a seasonal gift to souvenir sellers.
Those who had bet on a seasonal gift of salvation from this month's Brussels summit have already lost their wager.