Improper drainage systems accelerate water contamination, excessively desiccate soils during seasonal drought, and become a financial burden to maintain.
In contrary to the Mediterranean climate, winter and summer temperatures are influenced by the ocean, and have no seasonal drought.
Each year a small seasonal drought occurs, as last year's supply runs low, and next year's crop is not up yet.
After suffering a seasonal drought for much of December, equity mutual funds appear to be awash in cash once again.
Tropical dry forests are characteristic of areas in the tropics affected by seasonal drought.
These seasonal droughts have great impact on the vegetation.
Also, their roots can reach moisture more deeply than other grasses and annual plants during seasonal or climatic droughts.
Heavy rain after seasonal droughts would bring heavy flooding with the river running through the village, bursting its banks, plunging through homes.
Forest fires and seasonal droughts coupled with water shortage have caused many wild animals to migrate to other greener spaces.
These seasonal droughts have great impact on all living things in the forest.