Except for a few clubs, teams with large season-ticket sales come and go, depending on their success or failure.
Every team strives to make the playoffs, which brings in additional revenues and helps increase season-ticket sales for the next season.
Since Tedford took over in 2002, season-ticket sales have jumped from 16,000 to a projected 32,000.
A similar effort was made last year to spur Rangers season-ticket sales, Mills said.
Toronto cut off season-ticket sales at 14,000.
It is a good rugby area and even the season-ticket sales are going through the roof.
"A blessing in disguise," Turk said, because the championship increased season-ticket sales, helped recruiting, and has intensified news media coverage.
Their season-ticket sales are down to 18,000, from 21,000 last year.
McGregor said season-ticket sales peaked at 35,000 in 1998 and were now about 14,500 when certain plan equivalents are added up.
But here it is May and they haven't started season-ticket sales.