A number of Jets players - and coaches - have neither forgotten nor forgiven the searing criticism they took after a 2-5 start.
Not only has the military failed to crush the ragtag Chechen forces, but Mr. Yeltsin has found himself the subject of the most searing domestic criticism ever leveled against a Kremlin leader.
But Mr. Bromwich reserved his most searing criticism for Ms. Blake, who was promoted late last year, from her post in Miami to head of the agency's office in St. Paul.
That is one reason that conservatives once closely allied with Mr. Bush have gone public with searing criticisms of the agreement.
In response to the commission's searing criticism, the agencies have begun to defend themselves.
Had the Yankees faltered this season, Steinbrenner would have faced searing criticism for Showalter's departure, but Torre has enabled him to avoid that and Steinbrenner owes him.
Mr. Nixon, in a letter addressed "Dear Gary," made clear his empathy for a man who had experienced political warfare at its most grueling - and who shared the experience of searing public criticism.
But the appraisal so angered the conservatives that the normally staid bar association became a target of searing criticism.
He returned home to searing criticism that the extent of his influence with the Bush administration was to be the photogenic echo of American policy.