And she presents a searing account of "Polo," one woman's curse on love itself.
Speaking to reporters Friday, Mr. Rodley said he had heard searing accounts from victims of Government brutality.
The Kronos Quartet also gave a searing account of "Different Trains" (1988), a meditation on the Holocaust for quartet and recorded voices.
But the missionaries have provided searing accounts of life in Juba until mid-August.
Japanese film scholar Alexander Jacoby describes Dobu as "a searing account of urban poverty".
The idea seemed like an appropriate one to put to Mullah Hassan, who had offered a long and searing account of his own battlefield injury.
Then there is the remarkable "Darkness Visible," a searing account of his "return from the abyss" of a severe depression in 1985.
The Mandelring Quartet, which gives searing accounts of both works, plays Goldschmidt's other quartets elsewhere in the series.
After he left, he wrote "Lhasa Revisited" a searing account of the destruction of Tibetan religion and culture by the Chinese.
About five weeks ago, a brilliant and searing account of life in Henry Horner appeared on the front page of The Wall Street Journal.