But the appeals court said the police could search people and packages at such rallies with metal detectors.
He says they have a security company to search people on the door and dealers will be pinpointed.
A civilian who helped the British Army to search people was shot dead.
Mit says this one is easy; they don't search people going out, only those coming in.
Even up to a couple of years before, security had searched people moving through the Glasses.
Locals say this powerful image of the military carries over into the soldiers' attitudes when they search and arrest people.
He warned: 'After the knife amnesty, we will search people for knives.
We're going to have to start searching people before we let them gather.
'And it'd be so easy to search people for weapons.'
"Rather than search people like myself, they should focus on people who want to go nowhere near this card idea," he said.