He shot a sharp, searching glance at Bien.
Mitkhal gave him a slow, searching glance which told Gordon that there was no love lost between the two men.
Pat gave me a long, searching glance.
Violet turned a cool, searching glance on her husband, and held herself ready.
She lifted her eyes and looked across the table at him, a strange, searching, measuring glance.
Her eyes flickered above the veil as she favored Javerry with a single, searching glance.
I made my way toward it, sparing only a short, searching glance now and then at the workers, to be sure none came my way.
She threw a quick, searching glance around the room, and an imperceptible smile passed over her beautiful pale face.
And, in doing so, she flashed a quick, searching glance around the gate area.
The pathologist offered a long, searching glance in response.