Its primary goal is to attract visitors searching for relevant key words or phrases, and provide hyperlinks to pages within the website.
Use quotation marks to search for phrases and get more accurate results, i.e. "blood pressure" rather than blood pressure.
You have a choice of typefaces, you can search for key phrases and you can read in bed without keeping your roommate awake.
He searched for phrases to express his acceptance of the bargain they offered and his willingness to be bound by their conditions.
Phrase Search: Search for complete phrases by enclosing them in quotation marks.
Match Case feature allows users to search for words or phrases in a case sensitive manner.
Joelle paused to search for phrases.
You can search for either words, phrases and abbreviations.
I searched my own memory for phrases in German and came up empty.
With OCR, you also can search for specific words or phrases within a scanned document.