In general, the Bush clan has largely avoided entanglement in the seamier aspects of politics and power.
It was a way for me to encounter the dangerous, seamy aspects of life and still stay within the law and inside its safety net.
Writers in this sub-category of realism are said to depict the seamier or more mundane aspects of ordinary life in spare, unadorned language.
Nonetheless, his novels emphasizing the cruelty and brutality of ordinary life have been seen as powerful exposes of the seamier aspects of Spanish society under Franco.
Chief among them is the course of the nationally televised congressional hearings which began last week and which are expected to expose seamy aspects of the contra program.
I don't like to soil myself with the seamier aspects of this business.
However, Matza is anxious to avoid romanticising deviance; he sees this as having an equally distorting effect by obscuring 'the seamier and more mundane aspects of the world'.
The greater openness in the press has also revealed many seamy aspects to the military that predated Communism's collapse, but were concealed from the public.
Jackson's application of these methods, however, had a seamier aspect including cronyism and strong-arming businesses to donate money to Operation Breadbasket.
Under the guise of crafting a provocative after-dinner speech, the pair cajole him into revealing some of the seamier aspects of his off-camera life.