Once an adoption is final, all records are sealed for 99 years.
The ruling concerned those houses sealed for five years.
In the past, most government documents have automatically been sealed for 30 or more years before being made available to the public.
It is possible that further positive tests may still be found as samples are sealed and frozen for eight years.
The court declared most of the details of the case sealed for 40 years.
The chamber has been sealed for 50 years, and common sense suggests that it's best kept that way.
"The chamber had been so well sealed, for over 1600 years, that no air and little water had entered."
They issued a public report but much of its evidence was sealed for 50 years under Congressional rules.
In 1977, lawmakers abolished it and sealed its files for 50 years.
Under French law, official archives are normally sealed for 60 years.