However, temperature and sea-level changes are not the only causes of rhythmites.
This order of sea-level change has yet to be fully explained.
It was originally thought that glaciers controlled these sea-level changes.
The contribution of Alaskan glaciers to sea-level change is important, and big.
Had any of the models predicted tidal waves, earthquakes, and massive sea-level changes?
You didn't specify a level of urgency for your question about global sea-level changes.
See figure 11.4 in the Third Assessment Report for a graph of sea-level changes over the past 140,000 years.
There may be local vertical land movement as in Venice, added to the sea-level change.
Since then, its growth has been interrupted several times by sea-level changes that occurred during the ice ages.
It is one of the most cited publications on short-term, low-amplitude sea-level changes and their causes.