Like tourists tossing coins to the sea divers of Acapulco?
They faced deep sea divers along the way too.
Baddeley's earlier research had indicated that the cold environment underwater could create a strong context dependency in deep sea divers.
The movie tells the story of a couple of two deep sea divers and a risky operation at 110 meters.
They asked deep sea divers to learn various materials while either under water or on the side of the pool.
Four crew members on one plane had to be rushed to a hospital hyperbaric chamber of the kind used for deep sea divers.
Hunter and deep sea diver across the world, he would go on to become a professional Skipper of big sailing cruises for many years.
Their flatulence also is a by-product of a gas used for deep sea divers to prevent 'the bends'.
It is a popular tourist attraction with deep sea divers.
"What in the name of the seven demons would anyone but a deep sea diver want to write under water for?"