The score is "more disturbing in places" than the original, and "Williams fashion some new and hugely memorable out to sea adventure music."
Gall was back north six years after the Baychimo disappearance on what would turn out to be the greatest sea adventure of his career.
Between the two they have written an absorbing, exciting and realistic sea adventure with an espionage background.
Enjoy a 4 hour Cozumel land and sea adventure.
The authors "have written an absorbing, exciting and realistic sea adventure with an espionage background."
Flashy entertainment would have been out of place; this was supposed to be a rugged sea adventure.
Animated deep sea adventures with Captain Barnacles and his explorers.
The author sped up the process by embarking on his own sea adventures.
In a lost work, the Sailor's Kalendar, he must in one way or another have recounted his sea adventures.
Russell has said he'd welcome a chance to take Capt. Jack on another sea adventure, were it up to him.