It scuttled out of the dark passageway rapidly, then swerved aside, crouching along the wall as tremors ran from section to section.
The crowd gasped and shouted as the surveyor scuttled rapidly down a treacherous slope, sending the world reeling.
As he leapt back, the metal insectoid scuttled rapidly out of the room.
She aimed with a deliberation that was unnecessary, and the spider scuttled rapidly away from her, darting first behind the endlessly sirening robot and then through a dark doorway.
He began to scuttle rapidly across the pavement, his mouth grimacing with effort, his arms outstretched as though to break an inevitable fall.
The rotund yet agile form of Macduff came scuttling rapidly along the corridor, one jump ahead of the Algolian.
"Yes, friend Conway," said the empath as it scuttled rapidly across the ceiling on its way to the lock.
Periodically, Margiu and the professor joined Garson and one of the troops and scuttled rapidly from one building to another, following a plan of Garson's that had the loyalists trying to evade the "mutineers."
All four men watched it fall to the deck, scuttle rapidly over to the cradle that Commander Winters had put down so that he could assist Ramirez, shrink its size by a factor of ten, and disappear into the cradle through the soft gooey opening on the top of the sphere.
Even those who lost upper-middle-class incomes were not immune and were horrified to see prolonged unemployment rapidly scuttle their assets and dreams.