He glared at them as they quickly scuttled past.
Lexy had one more glance in each direction, then quickly scuttled his way under the shutters.
Crouching, I entered the doorway, crossed the threshold, and scuttled quickly to the left.
Her cousin scuttled quickly from his position by the night table to the relative safety of the other side of the bed.
He went across the ten-meter-wide water, facing upstream, scuttled quickly up the far bank.
But this held no amusement, only a wish to scuttle quickly into any form of safety wind and rain would allow her.
He scuttled quickly across the freshly cut footholds, then anchored himself in turn.
He glanced quickly left and right as though to make certain he wasn't going to be challenged, then scuttled quickly across the road.
I quickly scuttled to Sandeman's window and looked in.
Then it quickly scuttled away over the dirt floor, disappearing into the darkness.