In particular, the sculpture suggests the mass migrations that accompanied China's urbanization.
His last sculptures, two of which conclude the show, suggest not.
The sculpture suggests the most regular kind of natural cycle, yet its movement is filled with disorder and chance.
The largest sculpture in the show - about five feet tall - suggests a plant, a figure and a model for a futuristic skyscraper.
The sculpture suggests the movement of underwater life.
This is not the first time that Shapiro's sculptures have suggested 19th-century art.
These sculptures also suggest one of the show's basic questions: to what degree is art formed by where it is made?
The choice of a narrow, tall and busy space that is almost impossible for sculpture suggests his continuing will to test himself.
The sculpture suggests the combination of luxury and violence widely associated with Central America.
The first large sculpture in the show suggests the force of the classical esthetic evident throughout the exhibition.