Mr. Touhey said he had promoted access, with free outdoor music and a sculpture show seen by 1,000 people.
This may well be the most impressive sculpture show of the season, and it is certainly among the most moving.
For the opening exhibition in the new building, the three curators are putting together an international sculpture show.
Open-air sculpture shows are now as frequent as, well, say, museum strikes.
A fine spot to read and relax, its serenity has often been disturbed by horrific sculpture shows.
After seeing the German sculpture show, the students made their own paper sculptures.
In two current sculpture shows, the strengths of each orientation are clear.
I visited four museums, three galleries, a 24-hour film festival, an exhibition and a sculpture show in a botanical garden.
Chesterwood is specially inviting during the annual sculpture show, through Oct. 11.
Yet this is essentially a sculpture show.