Franz Krajcberg, a Brazilian artist, is exhibiting "Images of Fire," 130 sculptures fashioned from burned tree trunks.
He was immediately absorbed in the strange and unusual sculptures fashioned from materials like fiberglass, rubber tubing and metal screens, and ended up buying three.
Brennan's winning proposal, for a sculpture fashioned out of confiscated weapons, is now nearly realized; named "Gun Relief," it is to be mounted in June.
The "living and changing sculpture fashioned by life itself" that he describes seems here to be skittering across the surface of that life.
"The Big Bugs," 15 dinosaur-sized sculptures fashioned from limbs, vines and twigs, are scattered throughout the grounds through Nov. 2.
Monument 29 and Monument 30 are heavily eroded columnar sculptures fashioned from schist, each measuring a little over 1 m in length.
The Olmec, who created Mesoamerica's first high culture, were perhaps best known for their sculptures fashioned from materials like polished stone or ceramic.
He placed two sculptures fashioned from Western red cedar, for example, in the northern end of the park.
Artless, or at least, artistless, New York itself went on display, a kinetic sculpture fashioned from taxicabs, steam, and garbage.
The show included the termite mound castings, a metal casting of the root system of a tree, and a sculpture fashioned from bone marrow.