Whether such an aggressively sculptural environment will be good for displaying art is debatable, but it is exciting to see someone dare to think differently.
As a bonus, the paintings are installed around one of the artist's sculptural environments: a Zen dry garden made from a carefully vacuumed beige rug.
In formal terms, setting loose his manic, accident-prone progeny all over the gallery creates a lively sculptural environment.
Water Sky Garden is a sculptural environment designed by artist Janet Echelman.
The summer colony sprawls over a broad open stage, an intricate sculptural environment with events occurring on many different levels.
It was the first in her long series of sculptural environments known as "walls."
She even invented a new form of presentation by arranging freestanding, two-sided pictures into sculptural environments.
This lively sculptural environment looks like a one-person show but in fact consists of separate works by two different artists.
Mr. Otterness is at work on what he calls a "sculptural environment," which includes about 100 bronze figures covering a 160-foot-long path.
Here they have produced a walk-in sculptural environment perfect for a hot summer day.