On one side, he remembers a scrubby field stretching away to the horizon, on the other a bunch of trees, like a forest, only not as thick.
We walked the dirt road through the scrubby field and into the woods.
Most are inconsequential, even boring as landscapes go, little more than scrubby fields with some undistinguished foliage or bare trees.
This butterfly may be found in a variety of open habitats such as along streams, meadows, savannas, scrubby fields, and woodlands.
A scrubby field stretched away below them.
That kind of damp, chill August day only Blighty can produce, a large, scrubby field, a bill that could make you weep it was so poor.
It comes out of an almost square opening, runs across a scrubby field to the road, and then it runs under a culvert, I think.
The stones made him unconscious, mercifully, before he was set afire on a bald and scrubby field.
A powerful example is one from 1995 in which two pipes drain into converging ditches at the corner of a flat, scrubby field occupied by four radio towers.
When they got to the rear of the building, they had to leave blacktopped road and walk across scrubby field.