Dry deciduous forest mixed with scrub jungle and grasslands.
The uplands either bare or are covered with scrub jungle of Zizyphus and other thorny shrubs.
It is endemic to the scrub jungles of Sri Lanka.
It is found in fields and low scrub jungle, as well as inhabited areas.
In the beginning, the area was nothing more than a scrub jungle, with practically no tree cover.
The landscape mostly consists of plain lands with fields and small portions of scrub jungle.
Yala West consists of scrub jungle, brackish lagoons and stunning rock monoliths scattered throughout the park.
It supports dry scrub jungle and many tamarind and gooseberry trees are found around the temple.
The scrub jungles form the protective cover of the slopes of the hills.
Nest - a grass-lined scrape or depression in scrub jungle or crops, often arched over by surrounding grass.