As she turned, Secca glanced again at the wooden plaque below and aft of the bowsprit, where the spare script letters proclaimedSilberwelle.
In recent years, it climbed toward the second floor under a large sign with flowing script letters that said Terrace Room.
Along the top of the blackboard were posted the large script letters of the alphabet, reassuring hieroglyphics.
Bolus appeared on her Word in elaborate script letters.
From beyond the horizon, blurred script letters come into focus against the starless void.
The words were scrolled in fancy script letters on top of the black iron gates.
Use of script letters such as is also common.
The away jersey is simply dark blue with light blue script letters that say "Brewster".
One of the men went out and brought back a peaked cap that had Dodgers printed on it in yellow script letters.
They originally showed the highway's full name only in small letters, with the large script letters "ER" placed where the highway number is on other signs.