Some Redologist scholars voiced their disappointment with the somewhat juvenile acting and script adaptation.
But the most notable aspect of this production is the skilled and creative script adaptation by the playwright Charles Smith.
Robert Brustein's script adaptation adopts a modern idiom with graceful unobtrusiveness.
The script adaptation and illustration are by the artist Miguel Lalor.
Yet I get letters every week complimenting me on my production, my directing, my casting, even my script adaptations.
Robin Swicord, a screenwriter, told of a reading of her script adaptation of the 1994 movie "Little Women."
The script adaptation was written by Gilliam and screenwriter Tony Grisoni.
Miller maintained studies at both residences, where he continued to work on his script adaptation of "The Misfits."
However, most of his later career focused on the script adaptation and dubbing of foreign films into English language versions.