Bud twirled the powerful screw mechanism and the outer port of the air lock slid open.
He bought a screw mechanism so that the point could be moved very close to the sphere in a controlled fashion.
Uniquely it was the sole 'slow-cone' interrupted screw mechanism to enter service after 1920.
It uses a cable and a screw mechanism to provide the operator precise control over an engine's operation.
The cannon employed a screw mechanism which would push the cylinder forward when it was in position.
There are actual clamps that consist of adjustable arms and a screw mechanism to tighten the arms.
Machinist's levels provide screw mechanisms to center the bubbles.
This head includes the screw mechanism for tightening the clamp.
Town hall - erected in 1902, second floor built-up while lifting the roof by a screw mechanism in 1927.
In 1793, Kulibin constructed an elevator that lifted a cabin using screw mechanisms.