To collaborate with national and international partners in the training of young talents who wish to further their expertise in screenplay writing, cinematography, art department, sound, acting, directing, and producing.
ScriptLinks - Links to hundreds of websites related to every aspect of screenplay writing.
He has also done some screenplay writing.
In 2005, the Feminist Centennial Film Festival presented her with a recognition award for her outstanding achievement in screenplay writing.
Hall later wrote that Freshman "seemed to lack the vital comedy sense we needed, but he was a good constructor in a general way of screenplay writing.
The university is planning for a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Writing for Visual Media program, focusing on screenplay writing, playwriting, creative writing, and creative non-fiction.
More recently Charles has moved into screenplay writing, and is planning to direct his first short film in the fall of 2010.
Since screenplay writing was his specialization in his Master of Fine Arts course at York University, he reworked on the script by the time he returned to Hyderabad.
"One of the things I fought hard for at the Royal College was a strong base of screenplay writing," he said.
In the early 90's, he moved to LA California where he studied screenplay writing.