While performing screening activities on 28 May, Token rescued and captured two survivors from a splashed Japanese aircraft.
Founded in 1970, the organization, through its numerous filmmaking, video production and community media productions and through its various screening activities, photographic exhibits and publications, has pioneered many vital developments in the national media arts arena.
The screening activities of Burgoyne's Indian support were highly effective at keeping the Americans from learning the details of his movements.
Hargarten's initial understanding of this recommendation was that screening activities for alcohol problems should be integrated with the screening and interventions the ED does for a whole range of problems.
But, he said, "we're hoping we've convinced the T.S.A. that it's really important that their screening activities not delay the system so much that it brings it to a halt."
To identify students who may be eligible for special education, various screening activities are conducted.
In schools which have a Pre-Referral, Child-Study, Early Intervening or Instructional Support Team, the above screening activities may lead to consideration by the teams to move the next level of screening activities.
In order to identify the students who may be eligible for special education services, various screening activities are conducted by the District on an ongoing basis.
We have proposed to continue the cooperation with them and asked the Commission, during the screening activities it carries out in the context of the acquis communautaire, to assess the achievements with regard to the Beijing Platform too.
We do very much concern ourselves with promoting good quality control and screening, but of course it is a matter for the Member States how they organize their own screening activities.