Further, their usual screens were protecting them against rays of all sorts with the usual effectiveness, simply sending the ray back where it came from.
They would need no screens to protect against most of the rays!
Owen was just grateful the screen protected their heads as well as their sides.
The defense screen consists of two overlapping systems; when operational, the screen protects from both solid and energy based attacks.
A sail-shaped screen protects sunbathers from the wind and the gaze of tourists, of whom there are many.
Carrion raised a hand, and a shimmering screen protected everyone except Alicia.
Other companies produce plastic screens, mostly clear bubble shapes, to protect riders.
We are taking action in the belief that our main screen can protect us.
A screen embedded in the crater protects against drawing in burning particles to clog the interior.
He pointed behind him to where the screen of trees would protect him from astray bullet.