Color Picker: Pick color from screen pixel.
The engine computes each screen pixel in 32 bit depth and uses it to create volumetric particles with many interesting 3D special effects.
For each screen pixel the engine can calculate up to 5 specular effects and full diffuse lighting.
A weighted average of the attributes (color, alpha, etc.) of the four surrounding texels is computed and applied to the screen pixel.
This buffer is usually arranged as a two-dimensional array (x-y) with one element for each screen pixel.
The screen is 800x480, so I don't have lots of screen pixels to waste on superfluous UI.
Since the only thing going across the network should be bits of screen pixels, it seems to be more secure, albeit slower in performance.
The overall effect is a flickering, noisy rasterization of two polygons which "fight" to color the screen pixels.
Closer than that, the texels are larger than screen pixels, and need to be scaled up appropriately - a process known as texture magnification.
Each screen pixel of the image occupied a single byte in the jpeg file on the disc.