The screens broadcast recorded news reports of clashes between Government troops and guerrillas or attacks by paramilitary forces on remote villages.
However, on this occasion Telad ultimately decided to split the screen - broadcasting the game on the rightmost third of the screen, while airing the breaking news and footage from the scene on the remaining space.
When it was time for dinner, a giant screen in the ballroom of the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel hotel broadcast the game.
She knew that every screen on the ship was broadcasting the same information, and that the visual of the actual landing would flash simultaneously on all three colony vessels-but somehow it seemed more official to see it all from the bridge.
A large screen broadcast the words "A Civilised People Create a Civilised City."
The screens broadcast live race action and pre-produced video and graphics.
The screen, across Times Square from the glass-walled studios of MTV, the Viacom division that owns it, can broadcast music videos, news, content from MTV's Web site and live events taking place in the studio and elsewhere.
A giant screen broadcast the stunts within the bowl - 50-50 grinds, hand plants, frontside airs, backside airs and ollies - to those outside it.
In theory, 20 sound trucks and jumbo screens will broadcast their performances.
Ms. Wasserstein spoke early on about the confluence of times and the different worlds that connect in the park, remembering the night, she said, "when a huge screen in the Sheep Meadow was broadcasting the landing on the moon."