Several ideas included a woman, someone too strict or too nice, someone driven crazy by Monk's compulsions, and even a bout of scream therapy.
This week the Israeli Parliament engaged in primal scream therapy for a hundred frustrations, some deep-seated, some petty.
You might call it the modern, pragmatic, couples-counseling approach to problem solving, as opposed to, say, primal scream therapy or (God forbid) domestic violence.
It's like primal scream therapy.
It's the punk paradigm - primal scream therapy for social ills - with a touch of hippie utopianism.
Ironically, the scenes of scream therapy, infant regression, and Planeta's murderous proclivities undercut her role as a liberator.
Lennon's mother's death, a central trauma in his early life, is illustrated with "Mother," a song he wrote after undergoing primal scream therapy.
"Taken up primal scream therapy, Danny boy?"
Their four-million-selling 1985 album, "Songs From the Big Chair," reflected an interest in the theories behind primal scream therapy.
The primal scream therapy worked wonders.