Rising scrap prices have led to thieves plundering war memorials for metal.
But the figures just begin to tell the story of a crime the police say is driven by high scrap prices.
The scrap price she would get if the ship's value were divided among the various creditors would hardly cover that.
It changes week to week, depending on scrap prices.
This imbalance of trade has resulted in rising scrap prices during 2007 and 2008 within the United States.
I've got an option to buy an Atlantic freighter-rocket at scrap prices.
"The Falassans bought her off of Umbro at scrap prices."
This material was bought a year ago for £750 but is now obsolete and would therefore only fetch a scrap price of £50.
Mr. Alderman said high scrap prices in the past had led to similar problems.
And even if they weren't they'd bring a good scrap price.