The scores presented below represent the perfect 30s which the celebrities gained in their original season.
The score represents the candidate's overall performance on the identified examination section.
The scores represented some of the highest in the state of Pennsylvania.
Is it fair to say that Joe's total score of 20+10+10, or 40, represents his total ability?
This score represented a significant improvement since 2007, when the country scored 2.1 and ranked 150th of 180 countries.
That score represented New York's largest goal production of the season.
Verbal scores, which increased 2 points over last year, represent the highest score in 19 years.
The low-income student's scores may "represent a greater achievement,"he said.
The idea is that your score on this test should roughly represent how social you are.
In tournaments an 800 score may now represent four down, doubled but not vulnerable.