The score, commissioned from Aaron Copland, foreshadows the dance field's collaboration with distinguished musicians.
Approximately half of the festival ballets will be world premieres, with three to five works choreogaphed to scores commissioned for the festival.
The score, commissioned from Greg Wall, has a section called "My Father's Solo," with saxophone variations of well-known Jewish tunes.
The Korde work, a premiere, is the 100th score commissioned by the ensemble.
In 2005, this was replaced with a musical score commissioned for Disneyland's newly refurbished Space Mountain.
There is nonetheless a haunted-house texture to the score commissioned from the experimental British composer Gavin Bryars.
Mr. Boulez conducted the world premiere of this 25-minute score, commissioned by the orchestra, in Cleveland in 2000.
The dance is set to a keen-edged and vividly astringent score commissioned from Toshiro Mayuzumi.
John Jacob Weinzweig wrote the first Canadian score commissioned by the Festival.
But standing out above all are the scores commissioned from Stravinsky by Balanchine, such as Apollo, Orpheus and Card Game.