He scored the second highest number among all commerce students of Bangladesh in that year.
He fell only one point short of his career high during the 1995-96 season, scoring 54 points - first among team defencemen.
In addition, the program scored an 12.43 rating over a 32.61 share among the 18-49 demographic, which was a 13 percent increase.
President Bush scored well among older, wealthier and more religious voters.
She scored 35.850 points for eighth place among the 20 competitors.
Of acknowledged nuclear weapons states, Britain scored best at 10th among the 32 countries.
In addition, the program scored an 11.78 rating over a 33.96 share among the 18-49 demographic, which was a 12 percent drop.
He scored 8 more points in the third overtime, among them a 25-ft.
Family Academy scored last among public schools on the citywide reading test given in 1995.
Republicans also scored exceptionally well among people living in the urban social housing projects.