In December, scientists from Wetlands International released their calculations about the global emissions caused by palm farming on peatland.
Working with the dam's operators, the scientists released 45,000 cubic feet per second of water for seven straight days.
The scientist then releases Gossamer.
IF you're a careful reader of this newspaper, you're already aware that British scientists have released preliminary results of their search for the world's funniest joke.
In 2009, the scientists gathered urchins from other parts of the state and released them at Kaneohe Bay.
In March 2009, scientists released the results of their research on deep-sea (depths of 300 to 3,000 m) corals throughout the world.
After obtaining fecal and blood samples, the scientists released the bats into the wild or returned them to the markets.
The scientists released the first photographs ever taken of the enigmatic gamma-ray bursters.
The scientists had not released much information about "Little Boy" to Tibbet and his airmen, but one thing they had made clear.
Besides that, the collaboration has a website, where scientist can release new results, presentations and articles.