Doctors and scientists have not definitively linked the dust to serious illnesses like cancer.
The ingredient is phenylpropanolamine, which scientists have recently linked to a slight risk of stroke in young women.
Many scientists have linked the growing concentration of these gases in the atmosphere to an observed increase in surface temperatures.
Specifically, scientists have linked higher rates of different types of cancer to post-irradiation effects.
It is also extremely rich in monounsaturates, which scientists have linked to healthful cholesterol levels.
Then scientists linked dietary fats to poor health and early mortality, and we began to worry about the sooner.
Cars and other vehicles emit about a third of the gases that scientists have linked to a 50-year warming trend.
Some scientists, he said, have linked silica exposure to cancer, for example.
Finally, scientists who first and foremost investigate the risks linked to the combined use of hormones.
More recently, other scientists have linked the bacterium, known as Helicobacter pylori, to cancer of the stomach.